Co-Founders Chris Manning
and Gary Wolnitzek in 1995.

Human Nature Office in Eden Park, Cincinnati, OH
Human Nature, established in 1995, was created to focus upon the planning and design of public open spaces and open space systems (parks, preserves, trails, greenways, streetscapes, playgrounds, nature play environments, gardens, and public art). At the heart of our practice is the commitment to creating and building meaningful places for people to connect with and enjoy nature and celebrate community. We believe these places offer the best opportunities for communities to express themselves through a celebration of cultural and natural resources. Additionally, we provide design services for environmental planning, urban design, natural resource restoration and management, institutional and educational campus design, green infrastructure design, and interpretive features.
A majority of our work is from satisfied clients either as repeat business or through their recommendations to others. Fortunately, our reputation in the Greater Cincinnati Area has led us to expand into the broader region, working in Missouri, Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Maryland to name a few. We continually strive to meet or exceed our client’s expectations through all of our projects.
At Human Nature, our practice follows our values:
Sustainable/Regenerative Design
Strive to heal and restore the land and our relationship to it.
Awareness + Inclusivity
Practice informed decision-making.
Dialogue Between People & Land
Practice design as an act of celebration, not problem-solving.
Maintain a local / regional focus to the site.
Environmental Design Symphony
Pursue multi-disciplinary collaboration.
Excellence + Value
Focus on quality from design through construction.
Plant the Seeds
Educate ourselves and others.
Explorer vs. Expert
Practice design as a process of discovery.
Systems Thinking
Weave the region together with our work.