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Five Rivers Metro Parks Master Planning

CLIENT: Five Rivers Metroparks


SCOPE: Master Planning, Conceptual Exploration

STATUS: On-Going

Human Nature worked with Five Rivers MetroParks (FRMP) to develop updated parks master plans and conceptual designs for Englewood Metropark, Aullwood Gardens, Germantown MetroPark and Twin Creek MetroPark, which when combined will create the largest and most heavily visited parks in the MetroParks system. After gathering extensive feedback from FRMP staff and community stakeholders, Human Nature generated master plans intended to increase attendance, improve and add park facilities, improve trail connections, improve vehicular circulation, and create a strong sense of identity for each park. To achieve these goals, the plans propose a central park hub that connects new and existing trails, new shelters, outdoor classrooms, nature play, restrooms, connectivity along Twin Creek and to take advantage of the beautiful landscapes in and around the parks to celebrate the area’s deeply woven cultural and natural assets. The plans recommend a new park visitor center and recreation hub below the Germantown Dam that will serve as a gateway to the park. The plan also proposes the addition of several miles of pedestrian, mountain biking, and equestrian trails to connect people to key park features, the Stillwater River, Germantown, and Twin Creek. Finally, updates for several important use areas were suggested to provide additional park amenities.

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