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Kansas City SWOPE Outdoor Learning Labs

CLIENT: Kansas City Water Services

LOCATION: Kansas City, MO

SCOPE: Master Planning Through Construction

STATUS: In Progress

Human Nature led the multi-disciplinary design team to craft a vision for outdoor learning labs that weave together natural processes and cultural use of, impact on, and stewardship of essential water resources. The learning labs explore the interplay of these forces through experiential activities that help children and other visitors gain insight into natural processes, like the water cycle, and cultural uses and influences, such as pollution, runoff, or biofiltration. Visitors can experience the realworld application of stormwater best management practices via the BMP Loop trail that connects to and extends the learning lab throughout the campus. Supporting the “KC to the Sea” education curriculum, the labs accommodate guided groups with a collection of activity modules along a central waterway. The waterway is nested in a spectrum of natural and cultural land typologies - easily identifiable in the Kansas City region - to support to the transfer of knowledge from focused activity to the real world. Demonstrating a variety of water conditions from natural to urban, the labs offer an understanding of how human activity can support and protect natural vitality.

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