UC Campus Services Building
CLIENT: University of Cincinnati
LOCATION: Cincinnati, OH
SCOPE: Schematic Design & Construction
STATUS: Completed 2017
Human Nature collaborated with A359 and the Kleingers Group on the schematic design and construction documents for this extensive renovation project that will provide offices for several University affiliated organizations. The original site was almost entirely covered with buildings and hardscape. In addition to updating the building façade, the project includes the design of a simple, contemporary landscape that will create a welcoming site that is easy to maintain. The design includes the creation of civic plaza at the corner of two streets, incorporating a bus stop and seating for employees and visitors. A large bioswale in the middle of the parking lot captures runoff from the adjacent pavement, slows it down, and cleanses it before conveying it to an underground storage tank. Plantings and lighting were selected to unify the site and provide human scale for a large facility.